What we do

  • Maintain DBT treatment integrity by providing standards for essential theoretical and intervention aspects of DBT.
  • Create and support a community of practice for people who share Dr. Marsha Linehan’s passion for compassionate and evidence-based behavior therapy.
  • Stimulate the continued advancement of research and practice of DBT.
  • Bridge the science-practice gap by providing a platform for development based on collaboration among clinicians, researchers, consumers and other stakeholders.
  • Foster the dissemination and implementation of DBT across the world, especially in underserved areas and populations, while maintaining treatment fidelity.
  • Provide standards for quality training relevant to diverse cultural variations while maintaining core or essential DBT elements.
  • Establish standards for DBT training.
  • Build a strong, informed and connected membership body and act as their advocate.

For Whom

  • For people who are suffering from serious mental health problems; for their families; for at-risk populations; for health care practitioners; for scientists; for other mental health care stakeholders.


  • Commitment to an expert-driven, transparent, representational, and non-commercial structure.
  • Establishing a leading international authority on the science, practice and delivery of DBT.
  • Encouraging innovation and creativity in DBT research and treatment delivery.
  • Protecting the quality and standards of practice of DBT by developing guidelines on training and certification of DBT under consideration of the currently established national standards.
  • Providing access to information and resources through website and social media.
  • Providing annual international meetings.