
Dear Colleagues within WDBTA and DBT therapists across the globe

I am honoured and delighted to have been elected as the first President of the WDBTA. My own journey in DBT began over thirty years ago when, as a newly qualified clinical psychologist, I was fortunate to be sent to learn DBT on only the second ever Intensive Training led by Dr Marsha Linehan. If you had said to me then that I would one day be President of a global DBT association I would not have believed you!

I am immensely privileged to be joined in my work leading WDBTA by a talented board of clinicians and researchers representing four of our five chapters from eight different countries. Every member of the Board is either a leader within their regional chapter or leads one of our expert sub-groups that focus on either research, treatment integrity, training and implementation or dissemination.

Much has been achieved by the Transitional Board in the last five years. Their task to transition DBT from a field led by a single towering figure to a global organisation with structure and representation has been immense. I want to express a deep gratitude on my own– and also your – behalf to the Transitional Board ably led by Dr ShelleyMcMain. All members of the Board took on this work above and beyond their already busy roles grappling with complex legal and financial matters to set up the Association. During their time three Chapters have been fully formed: The Asia-Pacific Chapter: the European chapter; and the Latin American Chapter. The North American chapter is in the process of forming. Two international conferences have been announced: the Asia-Pacific Chapter is hosting its inaugural conference alongside the Chinese DBT Society on 7 September 2024; and the European chapter will hold its inaugural conference in Gdansk Poland 8-9 May 2025. These will be exciting events bringing the international DBT communities in those regions together.

Moving forward the Board and I look forward to building on the excellent foundation of the Transitional Board to further support both the work of the developing chapters through the global work of our standing committees on research, treatment integrity, training and implementation or dissemination. During my tenure I will seek to bring knowledge of the work of these groups to more prominence and consider with the chapters how they might utilise this work in their own regions. I am also keen to ensure that we diversify our committees and improve inclusion of under-represented peoples within the Association. We also look to having the first Worldwide DBT Congress in 2026 where we will welcome researchers and clinicians from across the globe to recognise the work of our founder, Marsha Linehan, and to look to the future honouring her dedication to compassion for people requiring treatment and to high quality data to examine and evaluate our interventions.

Wherever you are in the World and whatever your role up to now in the development of WDBTA I want to encourage you to become involved. If you are an expert in the field of DBT our standing committees and your regional chapters will be keen to involve you in the work of the Association. If you are an established or developing national association approach your regional chapter to participate. If you are a clinician or researcher, find and join your national association. If you do not have a national association approach your regional chapter for advice and support in connecting with others. Together we can support each other to deliver high quality services rooted in the best quality research.

Wishing you well whatever your role and experience with DBT.


Michaela Swales
President, WDBTA